Zoom Setup Guide

Setting up Zoom to attend a live event is easy.

Step 1: Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows 7+
  • macOS 10.7+
Check your Windows or Mac version

Step 2: Bandwidth Requirements

  • 1.2 Mbps+ download speed
Test your download speed.

Step 3: Download Zoom

If you cannot download or run Zoom, join your event directly from your browser.

Step 4: Configure Your Audio & Video Settings

After joining the Zoom test room, the Audio Setup will automatically begin.


  • Follow the steps within the Audio Setup to configure your Speakers and Microphone
  • Recommended: Select ‘Computer Audio’ and ‘Join Audio by Computer’
You may also join the event with your phone. Your call may be subject to additional charges.


  • Press ‘Start Video’, located in the lower-left corner of your Zoom window to enable your video.

If you were able to set up your audio & video, you’re ready to join your online session!

If you encounter any issues, please check out Zoom’s Help Center for further troubleshooting steps.