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The more/the less!

by Cielo Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:55 am

Hello Manhattan LSAT!
I just have a quick question.

the more A, the more B
=the less A, the less B ?

This question came up to me on prep 37, sec 4, #22.
It seemed that the stimulus here was like

1. Description of large-scale projects.
2.The more equally/widely political power is distributed, the
less such projects.
3.referendum will lead to less welfare.

So the assumption would be, less projects=> less welfare,
and the answer is (A). A says large scale projects sometimes enhance the welfare of society, and I was wondering if
less projects=> less welfare could be translated into
more projects=> more welfare.

Thank you!
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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
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Re: The more/the less!

by rinagoldfield Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:22 pm

Hey Jeeyonoh,

I’m not sure which question you are referring to; question 22 in section 4 of PT 37 seems to deal with something different...

However, this is an invalid inference:

jeeyunoh Wrote:the more A, the more B
=the less A, the less B ?

Here’s an example:

Given: If you eat more ice cream, you’ll gain more weight.

Bad inference: If you eat less ice cream, you’ll gain less weight.

Who knows how much pizza, french fries, and chocolate cake you eat? Who knows what your genetic propensities are?

This is an example of negated logic. AKA bad logic.