The Watsonville High School girls’ tennis team has eight players: Anita, Brody, Dawn, Elise,
Hannah, Ivana, Jeanine, and Martha. The coach needs to choose four players as junior
coaches for the elementary school team:
If she chooses Hannah, then she also chooses Martha.
She chooses Elise if and only if she doesn’t choose Ivana.
She chooses either Anita or Dawn, or both of them.
If she chooses Brody, then she doesn’t choose Martha.
I express the clues as follows:
H --> M
A or D or AD
The author of the book states that it helps to condense the formula to thus:
H --> M --> _B (I get this)
B --> _M --> _H (I don't get this)
There is nothing in the clues to suggest -M --> -H. I am confused. H --> M but no where does it say the inverse is true. I was working through one of the questions asking for a 'could be' list of members for the team, and the correct answer was a list of team members with H, but no M. I am totally confused. Help?