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by N.H816
Thu Sep 07, 2017 6:01 pm
Forum: Manhattan LSAT Logic Challenges
Topic: Logic Game Challenge #40: Volleyball Game
Replies: 16
Views: 5156
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Re: Logic Game Challenge #40: Volleyball Game

This was my work that helped me divide and conquer the statements. Explanation - if first statement in string (if R attends = R+), then all the other statements. (---) = "can go, but not must go" Max and Min determined by + and - in string, but obviously, 2 must attend. Q/S means one of th...
by N.H816
Thu Sep 07, 2017 6:13 pm
Forum: Manhattan LSAT Logic Challenges
Topic: Logic Game Challenge #40: Volleyball Game
Replies: 16
Views: 5156
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Re: Logic Game Challenge #40: Volleyball Game

I'm having trouble with the condition "Sammy attends the game if, and only if, Quita does not attend." Why can't neither Quita nor Sammy attend? If Sammy were to attend, it can only be when Quita does not attend. It seems that the condition should be "Sammy MUST attend the game if, a...