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by graftedinspiration
Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:47 am
Forum: Section #1
Topic: Q20 - The people most likely to watch
Replies: 15
Views: 5434
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Re: Q20 - The people most likely to watch

Another fresh perspective on why B is right and D is wrong (from a true Brooklyn LSATer): B--"Reports about" sounds more to me about WHO WON/LOST the debate (which is what the conclusion talks about-- "WINNING a televised debate..."). D--"comments made" sounds more like...
by graftedinspiration
Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:04 am
Forum: Section #3
Topic: Q4 - Industrialist: Environmentalists content that
Replies: 6
Views: 2905
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Re: Q4 - Industrialist: Environmentalists content that

I mean, is it because the industrialist himself sets up the requirement of scientist testimony (earlier in the stimulus he says "but only a traind scienist can determine...") that he has to meet this requirement in his argument of the safety of the emission? I think you hit the nail on th...
by graftedinspiration
Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:36 am
Forum: Passage #2 - Countee Cullen
Topic: Q7
Replies: 2
Views: 1034
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Re: Q7

While I picked B and see why it is the best, the above explanation short changes E a bit. E is even more seductive, because line 51-53 says Cullen's "thoughts on race were SUBSUMED WITHIN...broader and more urgent questions." Sounds a lot like "the religious dimension...providing the ...
by graftedinspiration
Thu Feb 19, 2015 12:08 am
Forum: Section #2
Topic: Q13 - Buying elaborate screensavers - programs that
Replies: 3
Views: 2964
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Re: Q13 - Buying elaborate screensavers - programs that

I overthought this: Ordering pizza may take longer because delivery boys "cannot resist spending time" on distractions along the way. The idea of distractions along the way came from me rather than the test. Thus I talked myself into the wrong answer. Keep it simple, stupid. D -- "cos...
by graftedinspiration
Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:34 am
Forum: Section #2
Topic: Q21 - Most large nurseries sell raspberry
Replies: 10
Views: 7037
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Re: Q21 - Most large nurseries sell raspberry

I think the book mentiont inverse links from most to some. Ex. Most sentators are male. Thus, at least some non-males are Senators, right? :!: :?: What I wonder is if it's safe to always try to reason in the same "direction" as the prompt, as is the case here. :!: :?: It seems many of us t...