SHS might improve traffic flow + decrease loss of money and productivity
SHS should be installed
The radio already has traffic reports
SHS wouldn't be any better than the radio
Eva: Radio reports are too short to give sufficient description
Luis: ???
We need to do two things: (1) strengthen Luis' argument and (2) give a good challenge to Eva. Off the bat, I am pretty sure that the correct answer is going to do with the length of radio reports, as this is what Eva has taken up as her rebuttal.
(A) This is saying that the SHS is no more useful than radio stations during bad weather. Keep this. It seems to be headed in the right direction.
(B) Something to do with the length of radio report and gives a benefit to the radio reports. Keep this.
(C) This strengthens Eva's idea by giving a good reason to like SHS. Eliminate.
(D) Privacy of drivers? Is that a bad thing? Eliminate.
(E) Like (D), so what?
Now we are down to (A) and (B).
(A) is pretty good in that it makes SHS seem not as good but (A) isn't very strong because it doesn't give a reason for the radio reports to be BETTER than SHS. However, (B) is better because it gives a clear advantage to the radio reports ("less costly"), addresses Eva's contention (we'll just have the radio give "continual, lengthier traffic reports!"), and it addresses the
reasoning that Eva likes the SHS: cost.
(B) really isn't a slam dunk in it's strength, but it is clearly better than (C), (D), and (E) while having more reason to select it than (A).