Question Type:
Match the Flaw (flawed reasoning most parallels the above)
Stimulus Breakdown:
Conclusion: Kids who don't have healthy bones must have insufficient calcium in their diets.
Evidence: In order to have healthy bones, you must have sufficient calcium in your diet.
Answer Anticipation:
Conversationally, we could object to this argument by saying, "Hey, author, maybe more than one thing is required for healthy bones. Maybe regular exercise is also important. Therefore, we can't just look at a kid with unhealthy bones and be sure that she eats insufficient calcium. Maybe she eats plenty of calcium but doesn't get any exercise."
More formally, Match Flaw questions usually pull from the same 5 or so classic flaws, especially Conditional Logic flaws. So if you're reading any sort of flaw question and see conditional language, pay close attention to see whether an illegal reversal or negation is occurring. We are given "healthy bones --> sufficient calcium" and then the conclusion says "~healthy bones --> ~sufficient calcium". So this is an illegal negation. We can look for an "if A, then B" premise and then a "if ~A, then ~B" conclusion.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) This is legit, not flawed. "if firm crust, then right temp" and then "if wrong temp, then not firm crust" (legal contrapositive).
(B) "Taste good --> right amount of flour". Conclusion: "doesn't taste good --> not right amount of flour". Looks good!
(C) The premise is not a conditional, unless you're forcing it. It's just a historical fact. The flaw here is simply in assuming "what has been true in the past must be true again in the future".
(D) The premise is not a conditional, so move on. The conclusion also is not.
(E) Not a conditional premise, unless you're forcing it. "if recipe contest, then more pie than cake". The conclusion would need to say "if it's not a recipe contest, then there are at least as many cakes as pies".
Takeaway/Pattern: This should be straightforward and quick, as Match Flaw questions go. Picking up on the "if" conditional premise is crucial, as it puts us into the mindset of looking for a Conditional Logic flaw. C, D, and E did not have conditional premises, so they are easy to eliminate quickly.