Question Type:
ID the Conclusion
Stimulus Breakdown:
Conclusion: Tech radically improves qualify of life in some communities, not only through direct innovation.
Evidence: When a big tech company moves in or grows within a community, you get jobs, more tax revenue, and the feeling that the city is thriving.
Answer Anticipation:
No prephrase needed for ID the Conclusion. We just need to pick the closest match we can find for whatever we chose as the conclusion, in this case the 1st sentence.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) Looks like a spot on paraphrase of the 1st sentence.
(B) Not the first sentence. Premise.
(C) Not the first sentence. Premise.
(D) Not the first sentence (closer, though …. the first sentence says "some", not "most" communities. And the first sentence says nothing about "creating" technological innovations)
(E) Never even said. "The only" should be a huge red flag.
Takeaway/Pattern: The backend of doing an ID the Conclusion question should be relatively simple: find the answer that matches what you bracketed as the conclusion. The front end, finding the conclusion, is supposed to be the harder part. To hide the conclusion from us, LSAT almost always puts the conclusion in:
1. the 1st sentence
2. the middle, attached to some but/yet/however rebuttal