Can someone break down (D) vs. (E) for me?
I debated a bit, had (D) chosen tentatively on my bubble sheet, finished with some time left, and came back to it and decided in an aha! moment that (D) was too narrow scope in that it only talked about parallel systems, whereas (E) and the third paragraph extends to other natural processes, like the honeycomb, and the future...(and I thought the common theme throughout the WHOLE passage, with parts of P1, and P3, less so P2, was about nature and the paradigm shift in design). But P2 felt like an example or explanatory paragraph to me.
I changed my answer; -1 LSAT point for me.
Is there a better way to really dig into what the main point is on these? In general, what clues are there to when the last sentence and paragraph are really relevant and when are they a decoy, as the last two sentences were here?