by giladedelman Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:21 pm
Thanks for posting!
First, number 8:
The art historians mentioned in line 2 are the ones who have greatly refined their techniques for judging the tribal origins of African sculpture based on style. We're asked to pick the statement with which these historians would most likely agree.
(E) is correct because if these historians have been refining their techniques for determining the tribal origins of African sculpture, we can safely infer that they think this determination is important.
(C) is incorrect because it's a contradictory interpretation. It's not the historians who would agree with this statement, it's the author, who's saying that the historians should change break habit. Check out lines 50-55 to see what I mean.
Now for number 13:
(E) is incorrect because the passage never indicates that artists "migrate in" to the centers of style. Further, this answer choice makes no mention of the important fact that the artistic styles developed in the centers are distributed into a wider area.
(C), on the other hand, accurately identifies the centers of style as places where generally consistent art work is produced and then diffused to the surrounding areas.
Does that clear these up for you?