by hnadgauda Sat Jun 03, 2017 9:50 pm
Marshall's legal strategy for the "separate but equal doctrine"... From the stimulus, we don't know if we should look at any particular place in the passage for help.
1st pass
A: Critics within the NAACP? There were none.
B: No; Out of scope.
Unsure on
C: This sounds true from outside knowledge. Not sure if this is the right answer.
D: This sounds like good motivation for the strategy that Marshall took.
E: Practical goals. Maybe this is why Marshall chose the first approach before the theoretical approach.
All of these seem like they can be found from rereading P2
Lines 27-34 seem especially relevant. Marshall wanted to prepare the courts!! This sounds a lot like support for D.
Ultimately, C and E require too much work to be molded into the right answer. C uses outside knowledge. E requires us to make an assumption about Marshall's preferences.