Question Type:
Necessary Assumption
Stimulus Breakdown:
Conclusion: Cancer support groups may have genuine therapeutic value.
Evidence: Participating in these groups reduces stress levels, and a weakened immune system increases vulnerability to cancer.
Answer Anticipation:
You have to arrive at the desired assumption in order to even understand what the heck this author is trying to argue.
The conclusion talks about whether or not [cancer support groups] have [therapeutic value]. What did we hear, if anything, about each of those concepts in the evidence?
[Cancer support groups] = [reduces stress]
We didn't hear anything about therapeutic value. The closest to that idea was
[therapeutic value] = [increased/decreased vulnerability to cancer].
It appears the author is envisioning this chain of thought:
cancer support group -> reduces stress -> bolsters immune system -> decreases vulnerability to cancer (i.e. provides genuine therapeutic value)
However, the author never connected stress to immune system strength, so the most glaring missing link in this argument is that "less stress is good for your immune system".
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) What? "function well" and "extreme stress" are brand new ideas that are totally out of scope.
(B) Extreme: "not AT ALL" a biochemical phenomenon? The author is assuming that "disease is not entirely biochemical". The author assumes it's NOT 100% biochemical. This answer choice says the author assumes that it's 0% biochemical.
(C) Looks good! If we negate this, then the author has provided no evidence of support groups being a means of treating cancer.
(D) We are evaluating whether or not support groups have therapeutic value in treating cancer. This answer is evaluating HOW support groups reduce stress. Irrelevant.
(E) Tempting, but the author is assuming that stress is a CAUSE of weakened immune system, not an EFFECT.
Takeaway/Pattern: This argument probably seems hard to understand when we first read it. The three ideas are not presented in their most charitable order, and the assumption missing between "stress" and "weakened immune system" is vast enough people probably have a hard time following the author's thinking. Spend extra time digesting and matching up equivalent concepts on arguments that are hard to understand. Until we recognize that "increased vulnerability to cancer" is our meaning-match for "genuine therapeutic value", we might be a little lost. A little extra time understanding the train of thought the author is putting together can be more than made up for by arriving at the bridge idea we're missing, and thus having a very strong pre-phrase to quickly find your answer.