Why is D the right answer and C the wrong one?
ali.charania Wrote:Why is D the right answer and C the wrong one?
mic_a_chav87 Wrote:Sigh, lessons learned: look for the most explicit answer, don't rush through other answers when you think you have the winner.
schmid215 Wrote:Did anyone else think the stim was a bit ambiguous? For me, "...the species" in the second sentence referred to the sub-species and not Zebras in general. I'm not willing to defend my choice, (C), because it doesn't even make sense in the context of my interpretation, but it just really bothers me when there's something ambiguous in the stim. I suppose "These stripes..." would have been better for my interpretation, but then of course "Stripes..." would have been better for the test-writer's version. "The stripes..." seems ambiguous.