
Emily Madan
Thanks Received: 1
Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
Posts: 13
Joined: November 08th, 2012


by Emily Madan Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:57 pm

6. (D) is correct.

This question is an Orientation question. We should be able to eliminate all the wrong answer choices based on the rules.

First Rule: doesn’t eliminate any

Second Rule: Eliminates (A), (B), and (C)

Third Rule: Eliminates (E)

This leaves us with the correct answer, (D). One rule eliminating three answer choices is very unusual. In fact, this is so unusual that often students move on after eliminating the first answer choice. If that happened in this case, you’d eliminate only (A) and (E), leaving the rest untouched. At that point, cycle through the rules that caused eliminations before, in this case, the second and third rule. You should be able to reach the correct answer at that point. In rare cases, you may still have two answer choices remaining. To find the correct answer out of those, check any rules you received in the initial setup that you likely are taking for granted, such as all the elements must be used or there must be an element every day. Checking your diagram is a great way to find those basic rules.
Emily Madan

Manhattan Prep Instructor