by tommywallach Sun Jun 23, 2013 12:37 pm
Hey Nevena,
This is simply a very tough question. If you've made a lot of frames, it becomes relatively easy (the frame where G is first allows you to cross out A and D, etc.), but it's still a chugfest. Just keep good track of all of your "successful" combinations as you work through the other questions. You could probably get this down to 50/50 just by doing that, then use your frames to eliminate the one wrong answer that's left.
I wish there were an easier way.
Be careful though. "Never behind G" implies that it would definitively be true in ANY frame, so there shouldn't be any thought about trying to find the frame where it can't be behind G. You should be trying to find frames where things CAN be behind G, and eliminating as you do so.
Finally, your guess about the floatiness of J was a good one, it just turned out to be wrong. I'd still call it the best guess, if you didn't have any time to do anything, but even the best guess isn't going to be right more than 50 or 60% of the time.
Good luck!