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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
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by ErinO415 Thu Jul 26, 2018 3:16 pm

I am confused by question #5. I don't understand how C is the correct answer because I cannot find a way to prove D is false.
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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
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Re: Q5

by ohthatpatrick Mon Jul 30, 2018 2:52 pm

To prove that an answer choice is wrong on any MUST BE TRUE question, we have to show that some counterexample is possible

So to show that (D) is wrong, we need a legal scenario where P is NOT assigned to the same floor as H.

It looks like we could do this:
Top: H F S
Middle: P T I
Bottom: L

That kills (D). Apparently Probate doesn't HAVE to be the same floor as Health.

If you were setting up Q5 from the ground up, you start with
Middle: P __ __

You ask yourself what rules we have for P and remember that P and T are on the same floor.

Middle: P T __

You ask yourself, "where is the HI chunk going?" or "where is the only-L going to be?"

Those both have two answers (and they're mutually interdependent), so you would frame both of those possibilities. Either HI will be Top/Middle and L will be bottom, or HI will be Middle/Bottom and L will be top)

Top: H
Middle: P T I
Bottom: L a b o r

Top: L a b o r
Middle: P T H
Bottom: I

In both cases, we need to dump the other two characters, F and S, into the final group.

Top: H F S
Middle: P T I
Bottom: L a b o r

Top: L a b o r
Middle: P T H
Bottom: I F S

Hope this helps.