Question Type:
Stimulus Breakdown:
There is reason to be skeptical of the claim that the survey responses show that 50-year-olds are more altruistic than 20-year-olds. Why? Well, it could be that the pressure to conform to societal pressure is the reason instead.
Answer Anticipation:
The argument argues against one possible explanation for why a survey showed nearly twice as many fifty-year-olds as 20-year-olds sometimes gave blood (greater altruism) by offering an alternative explanation (the pressure to conform to societal pressure)
Correct answer:
Answer choice analysis:
(A) describes a different mechanism, that undermines a previously stated position, than we see in Garcia's argument.
(B) is correct. This is a common reasoning structure on the LSAT. We often undermine arguments on the LSAT that offer an explanation for an observed phenomenon by providing a competing explanation or support such arguments by eliminating a competing explanation. In this case we're simply asked to describe the mechanism.
(C) incorrectly describes the argument. The argument made no such claim.
(D) describes flawed reasoning. The argument above is perfectly valid.
(E) describes a different mechanism, that undermines a previously stated position, than we see in Garcia's argument.
Takeaway/Pattern: Reasoning Structure: Causation