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Q5 - A newly developed light bulb

by WaltGrace1983 Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:57 pm

This is a very easy question but no one had posted anything on it so I will just give a bit of analysis.

New light bulb costs about 3x as much but will last 10 times longer
Still, the bulbs will sell poorly

(A), (B), (C), and (E) all provide reasons why this prediction is supported. Perhaps people don't prefer the yellow light, perhaps people care about about the short-term costs than the long-term savings, perhaps these light bulbs may lost longer but use more electricity (costing the people more $ in the long run), or perhaps there is a competing product that is going to come out and wipe the floor with the new type of bulb.

(D) gives us something that doesn't really do much to the argument, which is perfect for a strengthen/weaken EXCEPT question such as this. Who cares how the light bulb will packaged? How does this affect sales? We don't really know and that is why this answer is correct.
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Q5 - A newly developed light bulb

by asafezrati Sat Apr 11, 2015 1:43 pm

I can see that D is useless, but I'm wondering what is the strength of answer choice C.

Maybe me questioning this statement because of its origin (competitor's advertisement) is a logical fallcy similar to the ad hominem flaw that appears from time to time?
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Re: Q5 - A newly developed light bulb

by maryadkins Thu Apr 16, 2015 3:57 pm

Even if the competitor is lying, the fact that the ads even exist supports the prediction that they won't sell well, because the ads give people a reason not to buy them—again, whether or not it's true.