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Atticus Finch
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by geverett Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:07 pm

Having a bit of a hard time with this one. I got rid of C b/c I didn't see mention of "relief agencies" in the final paragraph. There was only mention of donors and affected communities. Is the use of "profound" too strong?

Would love to hear thoughts on this.
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Q4

by maryadkins Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:10 pm

(C) is the best answer though the mention of relief agencies threw me at first, too. But if you look at lines 48-49, "donors" includes governmental bodies. Relief agencies is a synonym for governmental bodies that provide relief after a natural disaster.

"Profoundly" is certainly too strong in answer choice (B)--good catch. Paragraph 4 doesn't support this.

(A) is unsupported. There's no suggestion that they have resisted changes to response efforts.
(D) is also unsupported. There's no conflict presented between donors and relief agencies.
(E) likewise is unsupported. The author isn't pessimistic about his own proposed solution.
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Q4

by geverett Tue Sep 06, 2011 1:19 am

I am following your reasoning. B is definitely wrong because of the use of "profound". The disparity that exists isn't in regards to their actual needs, but in the understanding of what the needs are.

I don't know about C though. Relief agencies can be governmental bodies in the real world, but they can also be NGO's. This is right by default, because the other four are definitely wrong. However, the use of relief agencies here is somewhat suspect and I feel like the assumption of governmental bodies = relief agencies would be enough to knock this answer choice out in other instances.
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Q4

by nflamel69 Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:42 am

I think relief agencies are referring back the 3rd paragraph. the last paragraph is basically saying that even if the relief agencies does what expert recommend, an additional factor that affect the effectiveness of the relief aid would be the donors. Then he spells out how can donors change that. And that's exactly what C is saying, the changes in donor's actions are required IN ADDITION to the relief agencies mentioned in previous paragraph.

Can any geeks shed light on this?
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Vinny Gambini
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Re: Q4

by YuxinL727 Fri Mar 10, 2023 5:47 am

nflamel69 Wrote:I think relief agencies are referring back the 3rd paragraph. the last paragraph is basically saying that even if the relief agencies does what expert recommend, an additional factor that affect the effectiveness of the relief aid would be the donors. Then he spells out how can donors change that. And that's exactly what C is saying, the changes in donor's actions are required IN ADDITION to the relief agencies mentioned in previous paragraph.

Can any geeks shed light on this?

I agree. Q4 asks for the author's purpose in the final paragraph (not what could be inferred from the final paragraph, etc.), so I think the right answer choice may include information from other paragraphs.