donnakim92 Wrote:Sydonie suggests that parents have different approaches/rules to discipline. I'm not sure how this can imply that they have different ideas as to what constitutes "good discipline."
I think you may be getting a bit too caught up on the 'good discipline' part. Let me try to give you an easier example:
Sydonie: Parents like many different ice cream and topping combinations. So any one combination of ice cream flavor and topping will create resentment because it will contradict some parents' preferences.
Stephanie: You're wrong. Research shows that when choosing their combinations, parents list 'something healthy' as being high on the list.
Even if all parents list 'something healthy' as an important consideration in choosing the ice cream/topping combination, if you give every parent just
one combination to eat (say vanilla with sugar free sprinkles), there will likely
still be some unhappy parents who would rather pecans than the sprinkles - even if the pecan group agrees that sugar free sprinkle ice cream combination qualifies as 'something healthy'. In short, Stephanie failed to address Sydonie's claim that
any one particular combination will not satisfy a parent. Instead, Stephanie broadened the scope to say "they all agree that healthy is good."
I hope that helped