Question Type:
ID the Disagreement
Stimulus Breakdown:
A: Road trip! Show off other towns that were successful.
S: That trip might seem like a bribe.
Answer Anticipation:
The only element that both A and S talk about is this trip. A thinks it's a good idea, and S doesn't, so that's most likely what the answer will state.
Correct answer:
Answer choice analysis:
(A) Half scope. We can presume S thinks the coucnil should adopt his plan, but A never speaks to her feelings towards the plan. Just because she's given him advice on how to get it adopted doesn't mean she agrees with it!
(B) Boom. A says S should do this, whereas S says this would create the appearance of undue influence.
(C) Half scope. S definitely agrees; A doesn't discuss this. If anything, she'd agree with it, too.
(D) Half-ish scope. S doesn't talk about this answer, so it can be ruled out. If anything, A agrees with this, though we can't commit her to it (since she could be making this recommendation without knowing if these other towns exist).
(E) Half scope. S agrees, but A doesn't talk about it.
Be very precise in ID the Disagreement questions! They will often give answers that seem like one of the speakers would have a certain viewpoint, but that speaker can't be committed to it unless the specifically talk about it.