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by john Fri May 06, 2011 2:11 pm

3. (A)
Question Type: Synthesis (9-20, 54-58)

This question asks, like the first one, for a characterization of the passage’s main idea. The primary difference between the two questions comes in the answer choices. In this case, the correct answer, (A), might seem unsatisfactory because it emphasizes a relatively minor point in the passage, the bad effects of injunctions on employees. Nonetheless, it also captures the passage’s main point, that injunctions are ineffective to prevent disclosure of proprietary information.

(B) brings up a supporting detail and inaccurately characterizes it as the only reason that injunctions are ineffective.
(C) is stated too broadly: the passage does not deal with the abstract issue of corporate vs. individual rights, but the more specific question of how to balance these interests with respect to trade secrets.
(D) mischaracterizes the passage, which is about the failure of a particular method to secure trade secrets, not the general impossibility of securing them in the contemporary world.
(E) confuses necessary conditions with sufficient conditions: the passage argues that injunctions are not sufficient to protect trade secrets.
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Elle Woods
Elle Woods
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Re: Q3

by phoebster21 Sat Apr 30, 2016 4:00 pm

Also, this might be a minor point in addition to why D is wrong, but it's saying that the "concept" itself is no longer viable. Not just that any method created to prevent trade secrets from leaking is unfeasible, but that there really is just no point to protecting secrets at all.

The author, while he doesn't explicitly state this, aligns with the fact that yes, there are trade secrets that should be protected and yes, there are employees who should be protected too.

I always try to make a parallel argument to solidify the concept.

If for instance, there was a passage about how social media is making it increasingly difficult for women to remain dignified and or modest (sorry for the extremely antiquated, outdatedness of this example, it's just the only one that came to mind-... was just watching something about a kardashian airhead so that's probably why), and they go on to explain how women can choose to not have an account or not post nude selfies, etc, but somehow these methods are still ineffective (other ppl can post and tag photos of you), answer choice D would be saying "the concept of being dignified and or modest as a lady is no longer viable today" as opposed to just saying that "one way of trying to secure dignity/modesty, i.e. social media, is NOT really working"