Question Type:
Most Supported (except)
Stimulus Breakdown:
The statements present three examples of ways in which cable TV stations have advantages that enable them to attract many more advertisers than broadcast networks attract:
1. targetted audiences
2. lower advertising rates because cable TV stations are subsidized by subscriber fees
3. worldwide expansion"
Answer Anticipation:
Tough to ancitipate the right answer. Since the four wrong answers will indeed be supported, anything out of scope would be quite obvious. More likely the right answer is either too strong or contradicts one or more of the statements.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) is correct. This goes against the third example, which provides that the cable TV stations are the ones that have expanded worldwide.
(B) is supported by the second example.
(C) is supported by the second example.
(D) is supported by the third example.
(E) is supported by the first example.
Takeaway/Pattern: Reasoning: Comparison