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Atticus Finch
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Re: Q3 - Cable TV stations have advantages

by ManhattanPrepLSAT1 Fri Dec 31, 1999 8:00 pm

Question Type:
Most Supported (except)

Stimulus Breakdown:
The statements present three examples of ways in which cable TV stations have advantages that enable them to attract many more advertisers than broadcast networks attract:
1. targetted audiences
2. lower advertising rates because cable TV stations are subsidized by subscriber fees
3. worldwide expansion"

Answer Anticipation:
Tough to ancitipate the right answer. Since the four wrong answers will indeed be supported, anything out of scope would be quite obvious. More likely the right answer is either too strong or contradicts one or more of the statements.

Correct Answer:

Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) is correct. This goes against the third example, which provides that the cable TV stations are the ones that have expanded worldwide.

(B) is supported by the second example.

(C) is supported by the second example.

(D) is supported by the third example.

(E) is supported by the first example.

Takeaway/Pattern: Reasoning: Comparison

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Jackie Chiles
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Q3 - Cable TV stations have advantages

by monygg85 Mon Sep 09, 2013 7:44 am

So this questions asks for an answer that could be supported by the statements in the stimulus EXCEPT.

The problem I have is that this confused me when I came to the answer choices. I know this is an easy question but sometimes the easiest can trip me up!

For (A), how is there support from the stimulus that some broadcast networks can be viewed in several countries?? The same goes for C-E. Am I missing something?

Is this question asking, what could be true EXCEPT? Meaning the answer CANNOT 100% be true, everything else could be/could not be???

I would love some help!! Thanks guys!
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Q3 - Cable TV stations have advantages

by hyewonkim89 Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:38 pm

Hi monygg85,

I just did this problem, so let's see if I can help you.

I categorized this question as an Inference Question and the question is asking us to choose what we CAN'T infer from the statements.

I picked (A) because we CAN'T infer this from the statements. We know that many cable stations have expanded worldwide, but do we know anything about broadcast networks going worldwide? NO.

(B): We can infer this since cable can offer lower rates than broadcast because cable is subsidized by viewers through subscriber fees. Meaning broadcast networks are not.

(C): We can infer this from the same sentence as (B). Cable attracts many more advertisers and it offers lower advertising rates. So lower rates must be one of the factors for advertisers to decide where to air their advertisements.

(D): Cable expanded worldwide so we can infer some advertisers choose cable networks to seek out the worldwide audience.

(E): The second sentence states cable networks target 24-hour news watchers. We can infer at least some advertisers target these watchers by selecting cable networks.

This is just how I ended up choosing (A) over the other answers. Any thoughts?
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Re: Q3 - Cable TV stations have advantages

by slimz89 Thu Jan 09, 2014 1:42 pm

I would like to expand on the previous poster why D Is supported.

The stimulus starts off that cable company's have advantages that networks don't, and these advantages attract many more advertisers. The key word that eliminates D is for example. Basically this is telling us I will provide you with a list of the advantages that makes many more advertisers go to cable company's.
Hence D is eliminated because of the last sentence

Hope that helps