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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
Posts: 290
Joined: June 30th, 2013

Q3 - A cat will not be affectionate

by Mab6q Sat Oct 18, 2014 8:01 pm

I love formal logic on parallel type question. Here's how to break this one down.

Cat affectionate --> handled as kitten

Paula's cat handled as kitten --> Cat affectionate.

We are looking for the following argument structure: A --> B, thus B --> A. This is known as reversing the logic.

A. Tulips produce --> chilled.

~chilled --> Tulips ~produce

This is the contrapositive and is valid.

B. Beets grow well --> Soil boron.

Beets grown well --> soil boron.


C. Trees produce fruit --> pruned

Trees produce fruit --> pruned.


D. Cranberries thrive --> bogs.

~bogs --> ~cranberries thrive


E. Seeds germinate well --> pressed firmly in ground.

Pressed firmly in ground --> Seeds germinate well

Invalid and matches our argument.
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