I don't understand question 26 and I don't see where C is suggested in Q 28. Any help would be appreciated!
Each of the incorrect answer choices we should be able to find stated in the passage somewhere.
(A) lines 16-19, and lines 27-28
(B) lines 60-65
(C) lines 37-40
(D) lines 56-58
(E) is the exact opposite of what we know to be true. The degree of ownership will vary from case to case.
Organize the passage clearly and the answers will be easier to find. Here's how I see a passage.
1. A problem is introduced.
2. Three possible solutions are compared and contrasted.
3. The three solutions are dismissed.
4. A fourth solution is described and advocated for.
If you organize the information this way, the main point and organization questions will be easier to recall from memory and you'll have a good idea where to go look for questions that test specific pieces of information.