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Elle Woods
Elle Woods
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by RogerD345 Sat Mar 23, 2019 12:55 am

Hi. of all the contenders, D and E can be supported from the passage among all the choices in Q.27.

Now, I eliminated D) but at the end, cuz the wording was way too strong but I also didn't choose E) (more like I just couldn't) as the correct answer (i did PT.85 as my practice PT) The question is inference question which that according to the text it is true according to the text.

E) says earthquake is more likely to result where.... but.. more likely from what? if E) says than "Priorly thought" or "Prior accepted theory of plate tectonics" then yeah, this is true. but it didn't mention any such detail. I can see why E) is most truthful among 5 choices given but it also is not true according to the passage.
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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
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Re: Q27

by ohthatpatrick Fri Mar 29, 2019 12:25 am

I think the implied comparison when you phrase it this way is "more likely to result when X is true (than when X is false)"

So (E) is saying that quakes are more likely to happen when there is a large plane of contact between plates vs. when there is NOT-a-large plane of contact between plates.

This comes from lines 40-51 (the second paragraph in general is working to establish this distinction).

The passage in a sense is saying, "Yes, earthquakes usually happen in places where there is a lot of subduction, but the TYPE of subduction matters:
if one plate is chasing another, the subduction angle will be steep, the plates won't touch much, and it'll be a quiet subduction zone.

If the plates are coming at each other, the subduction angle will be shallow, "allowing for a much larger plane of contact between the two plates", resulting in resistance and earthquakes."

(A) Too strong: "in ANY zone"?

(B) Too strong: "EQUALLY likely to occur"?

(C) Too specific: "quiet zones are at PARTICULAR risk"?

(D) Too strong: "NO region can be identified UNLESS?"

Hope this helps.