by fmuirhea Fri Nov 29, 2013 9:13 pm
The elimination criteria for (A) is similar to that for (D) in Q27 - it's too strong. (A) states that the government should always intervene when an activity involves risk, but this does not align with the phrasing in lines 47-49: "In general, the government should attempt to save as many lives as it can, subject to the limited public and private resources devoted to risk reduction." This statement of intervention is qualified, and so the absolute wording of (A) is incorrect.
(B) is almost boring in how little it seems to reveal (imagine a similar pronouncement like "Some girls are bigger than others." It doesn't exactly set the world on fire with insight, eh?) - but the question doesn't ask you to pick a big, exciting answer. Your task is to pick something that is probably true based on the passage, so often you'll find that the credited response to an inference question is a cautiously-worded paraphrase of an idea from the passage. In this case, (B) is supported by lines 21-25: "Although voluntariness may be entirely is not an all-or-nothing matter, but rather one of degree."