by cgentry Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:04 pm
Question Type:
Explain a Result
Stimulus Breakdown:
There are two separate issues here: what causes home fires, and correspondingly why the number of home fires would decrease is the first issue. According to the first sentence, cigarettes are the main cause, and with a decrease in cigarette smoking, one would expect the number of home fires to also decrease. Separate from that issue (although it would be easy to conflate the two) is the number of deaths from home fires.
Answer Anticipation:
Well, it's an EXCEPT question: so four of the answers will explain the decrease in number of deaths while at the same time acknowledging that the number of fires will have gone down.
Correct answer:
Answer choice analysis:
(A) This choice creates a disconnect between fires caused by cigarette smoking and the likelihood of death from that fire. So smoking, and fires from smoking, may have gone down…but according to this choice, those fires caused by smoking were never the fires likely to cause deaths.
(B) This choice actually makes the facts in the paragraph more perplexing…if home fires caused by smoking in bed start after the occupants have fallen asleep, then those fires would likely be more lethal. So, if those fires have decreased, one would have expected the deaths to decrease...but they haven't.
(C) This choice is very, very sneaky. This choice implies that, despite the fact that smoking has decreased, it has not decreased among the group of smokers whose smoking is most likely to cause fires. So, there may have been a decrease in smoking overall, and there may have been a decrease in home fires...but there has not been a decrease in the most dangerous home fires from smoking, because those people have not quit.
(D) This choice gives a reason for deaths from fires that do not involve smoking, and so accounts for the same number of deaths, despite a decrease in smoking.
(E) This choice creates a disconnect between the number of fires and the number of deaths per fire. More deaths per fire could keep the number of deaths constant, despite a smaller number of fires.
An EXCEPT question, probably more than any other, will require the most careful scrutiny of the two most competitive choices.