Question Type:
Necessary Assumption
Stimulus Breakdown:
Conclusion: A viable way to address problem is to empty and refill tanks in midocean.
Evidence: Emptying and refilling tanks at the docks leads to the ecologically dangerous practice of sucking up sea animals from one habitat and depositing them in a different one. The midocean sea creatures that would get sucked up with this new plan usually can't survive in the coastal habitat.
Answer Anticipation:
The author is definitely assuming that the midocean creatures that get sucked up would usually not cause ecological havoc when dumped (just because they "usually wouldn't survive" in the coastal habitat doesn't mean they couldn't cause ecological havoc before dying). Also, maybe sucking up midocean creatures (which we haven't been doing before) would cause ecological havoc in the midocean ecosystem. Mostly, though, because this author's conclusion is a plan/recommendation, I'd be looking for some other factor that would cause his plan to NOT be a viable solution.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) Extreme: "ensure".
(B) Extreme: "only in".
(C) Extreme: "rarely" / "unless". This is still the most tempting trap answer. But it's talking about the frequency of sea creatures messing up a new habitat. Do we need to know that MOST of the time that a sea creature has wrecked a new habitat, it has / hasn't been because they were deposited in a new habitat by a ship and able to survive there? The "rarely" makes it softer than saying "the only", but saying "the only" makes it easier to understand why this harsh, limiting idea is unnecessary. Does the author need to think that "the ONLY time sea creatures mess up a new habitat is when they've been dumped there by an oceangoing ship?" Of course not. The author doesn't really need to assume anything about what HAS been the case. She needs to assume stuff about what WOULD be in the case IF we started dumping midocean sea creatures in coastal habitats.
(D) Extreme: "only when". Who cares whether it happens at other times as well? When it happens at the dock, we get the problem the author is trying to fix.
(E) Yes! Safe language: "at least some". If we negate this, it says that "There are NO oceangoing ships who could stay adequately stable while attempting this maneuver the author is proposing". That's a death blow to the argument.
Takeaway/Pattern: Knowing that strong language is a red flag and weak language is more useful on Necessary Assumption questions would surely help funnel us more quickly towards E. And using the Negation Test makes it easy to see why (E) would blow up the conclusion.