by mkd000 Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:30 am
I'm still having trouble with this one. Why is (D) incorrect? I am having trouble seeing any of the answer choices as correct. Initially, I thought (E) was incorrect because disease Y is out of scope. For example, if lung cancer is a subtype of cancer, and cigarette smoking does not have a causal link to cancers in general, it can still have a causal connection with lung cancer. I picked (D) after eliminating all other choices, and because I thought if non-disease X cats have larger IN, then it is not nec the case that IN is causally connected to disease X. I later realized (D) is incorrect b/c the stimulus states "typically" (aka, it is not that large IN is sufficient for disease X, so some may have large IN without disease X).
please help me understand why (E) is correct! The above explanations have not helped me enough. Thanks!