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by deedubbew Sat Mar 22, 2014 9:08 pm

I chose A because of the last paragraph stating that the two styles --periodically between banded and bordered-- suggested altered visual and motor habited occurred. Since this is before the supposed Anglo influence, I thought it could be assumed that Navajo motor habits and though processes might have caused the style change from banded possibly. And so the author might agree with the statement.

The last paragraph also made me turn away from D since the idea of motor habits changing seemed to trump the 4th paragraph idea that no radical revisions and thus change to motor habits need be assumed. The example in the last paragraph signaled to me more as a pointer to the time period of motor habit changes rather than the idea that it the transition to isolated figures was gradual.
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Re: Q25

by georxia Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:25 pm

i think you bring up a good point with answer A.

I read the passage again and realized there's a contradiction by the author or i'm reading it wrong.

In lines 29-34, the author doesn't think there is no motor habits and thought process needs to be revised because they are "latent and easily bought to the surface"

But in lines 51-54 says he believes there were altered visual and motor habits even though the previous paragraph he says "all weaving subordinates design to the physical limitations created by the process of weaving which include creating an edge or border." and then goes on to say "latent and easily...."

Isn't this a contradiction?
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Re: Q25

by maryadkins Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:36 am

Good discussion about (A).

You're right that in lines 30-34, the author says that in the case of Navajo weaving, no radical revisions in either motor habits or thought processes needs to be assumed. This would suggest we don't want to choose (A).

So what about lines 51-54? We have to look more closely at what the author is saying there. The author is saying that over time, "visual and motor habits" may have been altered to "prepare the way" for a different border. Is this really (A)? It doesn't mention thought processes at all. It also says "may have," which is not a conclusion, just a possibility. (A) isn't supported by these lines.

(B) isn't supported. It's the border that was the influenced by Anglo culture.

(C) is contradicted"”isolated figures appeared in later work.

(D) works. It's supported throughout the passage.

(E) is contradicted for the same reason as (C).

Hope this helps.