Question Type:
Necessary Assumption
Stimulus Breakdown:
Conclusion: The chef can skip the cornmeal step.
Premises: The cornmeal is to clean out sand. The mussels at the markets don't have sand in them.
Answer Anticipation:
The cornmeal step isn't needed for mussels purchased at the market. However, the chef never tells us where he purchased his mussles. Therefore, we need an answer that says he purchased them at the market.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) Out of scope. Cornmeal is used to wash out sand, but the farm-raised mussels don’t have sand to begin with.
(B) Out of scope. Even if there are other contaminants, we have no way of knowing if the cornmeal would have an effect on them. The stimulus specifically states that cornmeal has them eject sand, not all contaminants. Yes, it says the cornmeal cleans them out, but I'd also say a vacuum is used to clean an apartment even though I also need a mop, duster, etc... to finish the job.
(C) Out of scope. It might be more important to have clean mussles than mussels without an altered taste. Also, the word "affect" is neutral, in the sense that it doesn't convey whether it enhances or detracts from the taste - not too important here, but something important to note in general.
(D) Out of scope. When the recipe was written doesn't matter for the necessity of the step.
(E) Bingo. If we negate this and the chef's mussels aren't from the seafood market, they might have sand and thus require the first step. Unless you want sandy mussels. Philistine.
Don't write statements into the argument! It's easy to read in that the chef shopped at the seafood market but, short of a premise stating it, it's not established.