Question Type:
Analyze Argument Structure (Identify a Comparison the author used)
Stimulus Breakdown:
Conclusion: Laws are successful when the behavior they require becomes customary.
Evidence: With manners, just like with societal laws, repetition and familiarity make it so that behaving some other way becomes unthinkable, thus removing the need for sanctions/penalties to be an enforcement mechanism.
Answer Anticipation:
The author compared "manners" to "societal laws", as can be seen from the structure "Just as ____, so ____ ". They're similar in the sense that custom, not punishment, is what really modifies the behavior of people following them.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) Nothing in here talks about laws or customs varying from society to society.
(B) This wasn't about the adoption of a law or adoption of some rule of etiquette. It was about the success of laws / manners that are already enacted.
(C) The first sentence definitely sounds like it supports the idea that laws are complied with "primarily because" of custom. The second sentence says that manners are observed "because, through repetition, other behavior becomes unthinkable". That's a close enough synonym for the idea of custom.
(D) The author doesn't actually say whether laws deal with ethically required behavior. He only says that "whether or not the behavior is ethically required, THAT'S not why societal laws are obeyed".
(E) Similar to (D), the author doesn't say "most laws have no penalties", she says "laws are not obeyed because of the accompanying penalties".
Takeaway/Pattern: This is an unusual question stem, so we just have to roll with it. Ultimately, the correct answer is just reinforcing the author's main conclusion, so if someone were stuck with C/D/E, thinking that all those things were mentioned, we could certainly prioritize going with the one that most reinforces the main point.