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by romanmuffin Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:06 pm

Keeping in mind that Vernon suggests African Americans saw their land as an extension of self and home, I was torn between D and E.

When I thought of ownership, I thought of individual ownership, which all of the answer choices seemed counter to. All posit a sort of communal ownership, but A and B seemed to err more towards communal use of the land. C just didn't seem right.

What is the key here to eliminating E? What should be the basis for eliminating A, B, and C?
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Re: Q24

by ManhattanPrepLSAT1 Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:41 pm

Good question, thanks for bringing this one to the forum!

So were looking for analogous situation to that of rice cultivation as it's described by Vernon in the last paragraph. This question asks us to synthesize information from across the entire paragraph. Vernon suggests two reasons for the rice cultivation: out of sense of ownership (lines 47-50), not as an ends to a means and also as a political act to protest the government's failure to act (lines 50-55). Answer choice (D) provides the act not as an ends to a means, but out of a sense of ownership, and also protests the government's failure to act.

Let's look at the incorrect answers:

(A) provides an ends to the means. The neighbors planted to the garden for a purpose other than an expression of ownership.
(B) provides an ends to the means. The neighbors planted to the garden for a purpose other than an expression of ownership.
(C) does not provide a protest to the government's inaction but an attempt to forestall government action.
(E) lacks both the protest to government inaction and provides an ends to the means other than an expression of ownership.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any further questions on this one though.
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Vinny Gambini
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Re: Q24

by porsupuesto3798 Thu May 03, 2012 5:17 pm

(E) is non-symbolic and not protesting against government
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Re: Q24

by ttunden Fri Jun 27, 2014 11:32 pm

mattsherman Wrote:Good question, thanks for bringing this one to the forum!

So were looking for analogous situation to that of rice cultivation as it's described by Vernon in the last paragraph. This question asks us to synthesize information from across the entire paragraph. Vernon suggests two reasons for the rice cultivation: out of sense of ownership (lines 47-50), not as an ends to a means and also as a political act to protest the government's failure to act (lines 50-55). Answer choice (D) provides the act not as an ends to a means, but out of a sense of ownership, and also protests the government's failure to act.

Let's look at the incorrect answers:

(A) provides an ends to the means. The neighbors planted to the garden for a purpose other than an expression of ownership.
(B) provides an ends to the means. The neighbors planted to the garden for a purpose other than an expression of ownership.
(C) does not provide a protest to the government's inaction but an attempt to forestall government action.
(E) lacks both the protest to government inaction and provides an ends to the means other than an expression of ownership.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any further questions on this one though.

Hi Matt

Thanks for the explanation.
I am just curious, but when encountering this question, is it permittable for the test writers to have a correct answer choice that only meets 1 of the 2 criteria?

For example, lets say that for this question if the right answer only had ownership, is that ok? or you think that for this type of question, the correct answer has to match all parts?