So, any thoughts would be awesome.
Here's what's going on: there is the country called Ditrama, and there are three autonomous regions in it: Korva, Mitro, and Guadar.
There is something called the federal revenue-sharing plan, that allows each region to get a share of federal revenues that is equal to the share of the population residing in that given region- based upon annual surveys.
For one country, Korva, the percentage of revenue that it received decreased, even though it's population increased.
So, that means that the total population of Ditrama, must have increased by a number more than the number of people that Korva's population gained (If I'm wording it correctly...)- so that even though Korva's raw number increased, the general population increased enough that it's share of the pie actually goes down.
Ok- I just am having a hard time of understanding why (E) is correct. I think I understand the mechanics and the false assumptions that this question wants to catch you doing, involving numbers and percentages, however, I don't get, as (E) states, (paraphrased) that: the population of Korva grew by a smaller percentage than the population of one of the other two countries.
Could it have grown by a larger percentage (relative to itself) and the other countries grew smaller percentages and their populations are just so huge that Korva's share of revenue would decrease?
Or does that scenario I just described change what the stimulus is saying? I know it has to do with the amount (percent) of the 100% of shares being allocated.
Obviously- I know my reasoning is flawed somewhere, because (E) is right.
I know all that matters is that Korva now has less of a share of the pie-- that's why it's allocated revenue dropped... I guess I just get confused as to how the solid numbers come into play.
Any help from would be awesome! Also, to the Geeks, if you can point to some resources or have any percentage numbers tips you keep in mind for problems like this, that would be sweet