Question Type:
Necessary Assumption
Stimulus Breakdown:
Rephrased conclusion: Making artificial intelligence requires more than a computer holding the human genome.
Premise: The genome encodes proteins, which affect the brain.
Answer Anticipation:
Lots of science! Here, the conclusion states that more than the genome is needed. The author thinks this because the genome encodes the structures of the proteins, but the brain is governed by interactions. In order to make this argument work, we need to know that these interactions are also not governed by the genome. If they are, the argument falls apart.
Correct answer:
Answer choice analysis:
(A) Out of scope. The argument revolves around getting a computer to simulate a human brain; this answer says that the solution, if one exists, lies elsewhere.
(B) Exactly. The argument brings up protein structure and interactions. It states the structure is defined by the genome. To state that more than the genome is needed, the author needs to establish that the interactions aren't governed by the genome. If we negate this answer and the interactions are governed by the genome, the conclusion falls apart.
(C) Reversal. This answer treats modelling on the human brain as necessary. The argument only deals in whether or not it's sufficient, i.e., one way of doing it.
(D) Out of scope. It doesn't matter to the argument how easily or hard it would be; just whether or not it's feasible.
(E) Out of scope, for the same reason as (D) - the argument doesn't care about difficulty, just possibility.
Takeaway/Pattern: Always rephrase conclusions like this! Also, negation test FTW.