by IrisH894 Tue Sep 13, 2022 9:34 am
Hi, I feel like I have to join the discussion because I'm extremely confused by the explanations above. Patrick is essentially saying that cold and empty space is a high entropy state and it makes sense this way because high entropy states are much more common. I'm not a physics major, but from what I remember from high school physics class, cold & empty=low entropy. I think entropy rises when the temperature gets higher, and cold and empty is a classic system of low entropy.
Even if you only look at the article and cast away all outside knowledge, this conclusion still makes sense. First, entropy measures the level of chaos, and a system that's super cold and has nothing within it is intuitively a very orderly system, as opposed to a hot dense ball or a massive explosion. Second, the second law of thermodynamics is a physics law, just like three laws of Newton, which means that it's never ever violated. So entropy always increases with time and never decreases. To argue that the universe started from a state of high entropy (cold and empty) and then became a low entropy system (hot and dense) is going against this rule.
So, given that cold and empty means low entropy, why is answer choice C correct here? I think it's because paragraph 3 explains why the initial condition is likely to resemble cold and empty space, while paragraph 5 explains how that's possible. In other words, cold and empty is the result of logical deduction if you start from a hot and dense ball and push backwards in time using the law of entropy. The only state that can be lower in entropy than a hot and dense universe is a cold and empty universe. And on the basis of this, paragraph 5 explains how the Big Bang can occur in such an initial condition. In other words, paragraph 3 rationalizes the conclusion in paragraph 4 while paragraph 5 demonstrates that this conclusion is consistent with the occurance of an inflation.
This is the best explanation I can think of. I chose D when I did this PT and stuck with it in blind review. I'm not completely convinced either and I hope I'm not wrong about cold and empty being a low entropy state. Feel free to correct me.