by ohthatpatrick Thu Jun 02, 2016 2:29 pm
I'd say the question mostly comes down to trial and error. So get going! The most common thing I have to tell my tutoring students is, "just write stuff!"
Once you've made a first pass through the answers and nothing apparent is jumping out at you, get to work! On my paper, I would probably put two blanks before each answer choice and two after.
for example,
__ __ (A) Mangione, Tannenbaum __ __
__ __ (B) Ramirez, Sanderson __ __
That way, you're barely doing anything ... you're just filling in whatever chain reactions you see and trying to see if anything seems to break.
The one "spidey-sense" I would have approaching this is that M and S are the most interesting characters to me because they're involved in chunks.
In (A), if I see M T, then I know it's really WMT
__ W (A) Mangione, Tannenbaum __ __
Can I still fit U -- (R,W) and the other chunk?
No. The other chunk has to go 5/6, and it would be SU.
Cool, we're done!
I realize we're all looking to "work smarter, not harder", but a ton of Games questions force you into plug-and-chug mode. So make sure you're developing your prowess at just finishing off scenarios. We got lucky with (A) being the right answer, but even if we had to do all five, it should only take a minute. This is slightly annoying Ordering but still just basic Ordering, so we need to be pro about swiftly finishing off scenarios.
Hope this helps.