Can someone pls explain why answer choice E is the right answer.I chose B.
Thanks for helping.
jennifer Wrote:does the word average in answer choice A have any bearing on why the answer is incorrect? For example the average # of children could have gone from 10 to 8 per family, but that would still be a large family?
irene122 Wrote:A is flawed because it concerns "children", which is a scope shift from hypothesis "during infancy"
E "enter day care before age one" correspondes to the scope in the hypothesis "exposure to germs during infancy".
noah Wrote:irene122 Wrote:A is flawed because it concerns "children", which is a scope shift from hypothesis "during infancy"
E "enter day care before age one" correspondes to the scope in the hypothesis "exposure to germs during infancy".
I disagree with your analysis of (A). The reference to children per family doesn't take us off topic. It's a safe jump to assume that those children were infants. Take a look at Mary's analysis above. The shift is actually from the stimulus talking about the incidence of allergies within a family, to (A) talking about national allergy rates.
You might be overemphasizing this scope approach towards questions.
shirando21 Wrote:I agree with Mary's analysis. But is A also reversed? the argument says, more children in a family-->less possible to get allerge, but A is, like of negate the sufficient condition to get the negation of the necessary condition... is it?