Question Type:
Determine the Function
Stimulus Breakdown:
A consumer advocate takes issue with economists who think price gouging is efficient. Since willingness to pay depends on how much money you have, the practice (according to the advocate) actually just gives stuff to rich people.
Answer Anticipation:
The statement in question appears after the "But", so it's part of the author's argument. Since the author's argument goes on to say, "As a result" (which introduces a conclusion), this must be a premise. What role does it serve in that capacity? It's a rebuttal of something from the first argument.
Correct answer:
Answer choice analysis:
(A) Tempting. Definitely leave this on the first pass because of "disputes", which is synonymous with "rebuttal". However, the statement in question disputes the reasoning given for why price gouging is efficient. For this answer to be correct ("in order to make way for an alternative explanation"), the author would then have to go on to offer an alternative explanation for why price gouging is efficient, which he doesn't do.
(B) Wrong role. The last statement is the overall conclusion.
(C) Wrong role. This answer choice describes a premise of the opposing point. Since the statement in question is after the pivot, this is incorrect.
(D) Wrong role. Again, this answer describes a part of the opposing point.
(E) Bingo. On the first pass, I'd be between this and (E). The economists assume that willingness to pay = need, and assumption with which the author takes issue. And, in rejecting the assumption, the author rejects the conclusion, as well.
Takeaway/Pattern: Determine the Function questions tend to be on the easier side, so if you see one as question 22, expect it to be a doozy. Complicated argument structure, abstract answers. Take your time, and be sure to fully understand the answers that are in play. Here, it'd be important to note that the statement in question is the author's rebuttal to quickly limit it to (A) and (E), so you would have more time to really parse those answers (especially (A), which was almost certainly slotted first so you'd fall for it before looking at the others).