Thought I'd chime in with a really quick breakdown of everything! The first part of the argument isn't too terribly important. It is basically saying the following:
Supply for X dwindles → Alt. tech. develops → Demand for X dwindles → Demand is satisfied (everything is balanced out again)
Yet as I said, this isn't too important from an analysis-of-the-argument standpoint. It is nice to understand for background information though, I suppose. Then the author gives a few examples: flints, usable trees, and good mules. The
"real" core comes now:
New technologies constantly replace old ones
We can never run out of important natural resources
The first thing to consider is how strong the conclusion is. Saying that something will "never" happen can be very easily weakened - all we have to do is show that it
can happen in at least one case. More specifically though, we want to relate this weakener to
technology because that is what the argument is focused on.
To weaken this conclusion, we can simply show that
just because new technologies replace old ones doesn't mean that we will always have the important natural resources! Can we make substitutes for
all natural resources? That is what the argument is implying and that idea is what we want to destabilize.
(A) I have absolutely no idea how this relates.
(B) Ummm okay? This was literally my thought. I guess this was meant to be a trap answer for someone word matching for "mule" and thinking, "well if there are fewer mules than maybe we'll run out!" Either way, this is much too weak and has nothing to do with technology.
(C) Cost doesn't matter. When we are trying to save all the natural resources we'll spend that money (I hope
(D) Like (C), cost doesn't matter.
(E) Finally! I was getting afraid when (A)-(D) all sucked. This one basically says that water and air - both things that are natural resources - are completely unaffected by technological change. Thus, technology cannot merely make new water or air! if we take this as true, the argument is not only is completely obliterated!