Free rider effect is basically that cooperation is difficult to win because those who choose not to cooperate would be advantaged and there would be little cost to defection.
A and B can be easily eliminated but C D and E were all tough for me to eliminate.
C) This was my choice. I couldn't bring myself to eliminate because there 1 person attempting to recycle even though there no law or obligation to do so (i.e. unilateral action) and every1 else is just trashing their recyclables because theres no cost to defection and it's to their advantage (less work, less time spent sorting things etc). I guess it's not a great match because it doesn't seem like theres any cooperation in the works and one person opting out and benefiting from it but their is a collective cost (lots of waste and unrecycled products) and a people freeloading so I just couldn't eliminate it.
D) Person not contributing to fund matches but he's not recieving any benefit or advantage by not so I guess I see why this one is wrong.
E) The farmer seems like he's freeloading off the common fields but I'd appreciate further commentary to clarify how it matches up. I'm guessing because every1 has pledged to purchase food for their own farm animals and allow the field to be regrown and this one farmer is preventing that from happening it is clearly a deleterious issue for the collective well-being similiar to carbon emissions and he is being advantaged in the way others who refuse to use the common area are not. Is this basically it? Thanks!