I've been really struggling with parallel flaws with "some" / "most" statements so I thought I'd share my process in learning how to alleviate my struggles. Demetri's explanation rocks but I just thought I'd share a different, more visual, way of getting to the same place. Some people don't like diagramming but I feel like if I spend more front-end time diagramming, I spend less back-end time mulling over wrong answers.
"Not all tenured faculty...full professors."
TF → some ~FP
That is, IF you are tenured faculty (TF), you might be ~FP (not a full professor)
"Therefore...every faculty member in the linguistics...tenure"
L → TF
Here is where I went wrong the first time. I think you would be best taking this as another premise. It seems to make the most sense that way. Either way, this is a pretty easy conditional statement: IF you are faculty member in lingustiics (L) you will be a tenured faculty member (TF)
*Notice that you can link these two statements up to form...
L → TF → some ~FP
This says that every faculty member in linguistics in tenured, but some tenured faculty members are NOT full professors. However, we don't know WHO the people are that are NOT full professors. Maybe every tenured faculty in linguistics is a full professor or maybe no tenured faculty in linguistics is a full professor. Maybe some tenured faculty in linguistics are; some aren't.
"Not all...in linguistics...are full professors."
In a nutshell, here is what is going on:
L → TF → some ~FP
⊢ L → some ~FP
Makes sense right? No! The statement is not saying SOME L's are ~FP, it is saying SOME
TF's are ~FP. That is the critical distinction and one that the original argument is flawed for not making.
(A) some OB → ~CC→ ~MO ⊢ some OB → ~MOPerfectly logical and I got to it by mapping out the conditional statements and utilizing the contrapositive of (MO → CC).
(B) MH → M, MH → some ~FA ⊢ M → some ~FAThis is flawed but the structure is different from the original argument. The original argument is simply stringing together one long line of conditional logic. This one doesn't involve any stringing together of logic. We could conclude that some
MH are ~FA but not anything about
(C) GB → FA → some ~WP ⊢ GB → some ~WPSame exact flaw as the original. Once again, the some ~WP applies ONLY to FA, we don't know if ~WP applies to GB (it might, it might not).
(D) I eliminated this automatically because it doesn't use any "all" statement in the premise, which is necessary for a parallel argument.
(E) C → I, C → some ~BS ⊢ some (I & ~BS)This is also perfectly valid. We know ALL C's are I and SOME C's are ~BS. Thus, there must be some overlap between I and ~BS. This is what the argument concludes.