What does the Question Stem tell us?
Break down the Stimulus:
Conclusion: Eating less iron-rich food should reduce your chance of getting Parkinson's.
Evidence: (correlation) People with a lot of iron in their diet are more likely to get Parkinson's than others.
Any prephrase?
Well, it's the ol' correlation -> causality show. There's a correlation between "more iron, higher Parkinson's risk", and the author assumes that "more iron" is CAUSING the "higher Parkinson's risk". When the author concludes some causal explanation/interpretation, we have two pressure points: "Is there some OTHER WAY we could explain/interpret the same evidence?" "Is the author's explanation/interpretation PLAUSIBLE?" In the specific world of correlation-causality, we often need to consider "Reverse Causality" as a different way to explain/interpret the correlation. Maybe having Parkinson's makes it more likely that you crave iron-rich foods? We could also consider "Other factors". Maybe people who eat high-iron diets have some other characteristic, and THAT characteristic is what's causing the higher Parkinson's risk. In terms of Plausibility of Author's story, you usually see answers that speak to whether cause/effect appear or disppear in tandem. A very common correct answer to a strengthen question would be an answer that shows "no cause, no effect".
Correct answer:
Answer choice analysis:
A) Yes. This rules out an alternative explanation. If people with a genetic predisposition to Parkinson's had higher iron in their diet, that would weaken the author's argument. We would see that the genetic predisposition was the CAUSAL factor, and the high iron diet was just some coincident factor. It's not like by eating less iron, these people could reduce their genetic predisposition to Parkinson's.
B) This is more of a Weaken answer (cause, no effect). It shows people ARE eating high iron but AREN'T getting Parkinson's.
C) This kids vs. adults distinction is competely irrelevant to the conversation.
D) Great. So what? This doesn't help us to evaluate whether more iron CAUSES more Parkinson's.
E) This is close to what (C) was doing. Why do we care about people's ages?
Takeaway/Pattern: Strengthen and Weaken are dominated by the pattern of Causal Explanations / Interpretations. When you're strengthening such an argument, you're either RULING OUT an alternative explanation or ADDING PLAUSIBILITY to the author's story.