Question Type:
Explain a Result EXCEPT
Stimulus Breakdown:
Expected: The wholesale price would match the suggested wholesale price.
Unexpected: The wholesale price at bulk wholesalers was 60-80% lower than the suggested wholesale price.
Answer Anticipation:
Since this is an EXCEPT question, there are many, many potential explanations. I'd head straight into the answers, looking to eliminate anything that would explain why the bulk wholesalers are lowering prices below the suggestion.
Correct answer:
Answer choice analysis:
(A) Explains, so eliminate. A price war would drive prices down.
(B) Out of scope comparison. The situation in the stimulus revolves around the common drugs, so the other drugs are out of scope. Even if the common ones have a lower suggested price, it doesn't explain why they wholesalers are selling below that suggested price.
(C) Explains, so eliminate. The study was done on current prices, and that data was compared to an annual book. Wild fluctuation could explain the discrepancy. For this answer, I'd probably head back to the stimulus to confirm the timeline.
(D) Explains, so eliminate. This answer suggests the suggested prices are inflated, which would explain why they're cheaper in reality.
(E) Explains, so eliminate. The guidebook is for small quantities; the study was done on bulk wholesalers. This answer relies on knowing about bulk discounts. For Explain a Result questions, and only for these, you don't need an airtight answer, and they often allow for real-world assumptions to be brought in.
1) Make sure that the answer is talking about the right elements. Especially when the situation involves a comparison, the answers will often shift to comparing different quantities.
2) If an answer relies on an assumption that you know to be true in the real world, for this question type, you can generally make that assumption.