i'm not sure why C is correct and B is wrong. this is how i saw it
the argument basically says:
all As are also Bs,
and few As are Cs (or fail to be Cs but I just thought of it as Cs)
So, there must be at least one person who is both A and C
*A = weaklings / B = cowards / C = fool
but for C:
since some As are Bs
and some Bs are Cs
Some As are Cs
*A = painters / B = musicians / C = dancers
i guess i didn't choose C because of the use of 'all' in the argument and 'some' in the answer choice. i'm assuming i can ignore the difference in cases like this?
i chose B and i'm guessing it's wrong because it's a mistaken reversal?
please help!
thanks in advance!