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by nlynes Thu May 17, 2012 3:44 pm

I need help on question 20. I can not figure out what the answer is.

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Re: Q20

by nlynes Thu May 17, 2012 3:48 pm

The question that states if Nation z exports tea and wheat then which one of the folowing must be true?

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Re: Q20

by timmydoeslsat Thu May 17, 2012 9:59 pm

Understanding this question will entail an understanding of the rules.

We do have a biconditional rule in the setup of this game, introduced by "if but only if."

X(S) <---> Y(S)

The arrow travels in both directions. If X has Soybeans, so does Y. If Y has Soybeans, so does X.

The presence of one of these will guarantee the presence of the other. The absence of one of these will guarantee the absence of the other.

So in the context of #20, we have a local question asking what must be true if Z has both T and W.

We know that each crop must be used at least once. Z's exports is filled up, as each country exports exactly two crops. This means that X and Y must have S. Where else can the S go?

So we know this:

_ _ T

We have not placed O and R. So we must decide where to place them in the remaining two spots.

We have this rule that will kick:

Y(R) ---> X(T) and Z(T)

There is no chance that X will carry T, as we would not be able to place all of our variables at least once. If T went into X, how could we place both O and R in this game?

So this will allow us to infer that Y will not carry R. This means that X must carry R and Y must carry O.

We know that Y must carry soybeans. You really did not even have to do that extra work on this question, but it could prove fruitful for a global question and being able to eliminate answer choices.
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Re: Q20

by ManhattanPrepLSAT1 Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:08 pm


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Elle Woods
Elle Woods
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Re: Q20

by ShehryarB30 Sun Dec 23, 2018 3:57 am

Why is B wrong. If T is in Z, that means it can go in in X too if R is in X which is a bicondition so why is E more important?