I had a similar issue with this question. The stimulus initially says "Five candidates for Mayor - Q,R,S,T and U - will each speak
exactly once at each of three town meetings." So how could R go 5th twice?
Rule 2 says "Any candidate who speaks 5th at any of the meetings must speak first at at least one other meeting."
In formal logic this is if 5th somewhere --> 1st somewhere else at least once.
Question number 20. asks if R is 2nd at meeting 2 and 1st at meeting 3, that means that any other four elements can go 5th in meeting one. But that would mean in the event that R is
not 5th in meeting one there are three different elements that could go 5th and therefore would have to go first somewhere else. If R is already taking up one of those 1st slots as the question states (meeting 3) that leaves one extra element that has taken up the 5th slot in meeting 1 without their required 1st slot somewhere else because R is using one.
It still doesn't make sense to me. If every element goes once, every element that is 5th must go first and there are three elements that have to go first, but only two slots available for them the correct answer should be that the only space R can go in given these conditions, it slot 5 for the first meeting. Or am I still missing something?