Question Type:
Inference (if statements are true, which answer Must Be True)
Stimulus Breakdown:
Rule 1: Members of the club with 10+ rentals can get coupon only where they last rented a movie.
Rule 2: Members of the club with 10 or fewer rentals can only get coupon at Main St. location.
Facts: Pat has rented 10 or fewer videos and can receive the coupon at Walnut Lane location.
Answer Anticipation:
We need to figure out how these rules apply to Pat's situation. We know that Pat has rented fewer than ten videos, so we would think according to rule 2 that Pat can ONLY get the coupon at the Main Street location. But we don't even know if Pat is a member of club, so can we really apply those rules? Actually, COULD Pat even be a member of the club? If Pat were a member of the club and she had under 10 rentals, she'd only be able to get the coupon at the Main Street location. Since we know she CAN get the coupon at Walnut Lane, she must not be a member of the club!
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) No, it might be that non-club members can receive it there. It might also be that club members with 10+ rentals, whose MOST RECENT rental was at Main St, can also get it there.
(B) We only know about Pat, and she's NOT a member of the club, so we have no way to prove this.
(C) We only know about Pat, and she's NOT a member of the club, so we have no way to prove this.
(D) This is what we figured out. Pat is NOT a member of the club. And we know he has a coupon, so we can prove that "at least one person NOT in the club can get the coupon".
(E) We couldn't possibly prove this weird connection exists. We don't really know WHAT rules, if any, govern Pat, given that she's NOT a club member and we were only given rules about club members.
Takeaway/Pattern: Inference (Must be true) likes to deal with conditional logic or otherwise math-y ideas. Here we were given two rules and then a set of particulars about Pat. Our job was to think about how the rules would apply to her situation. The only way Pat's situation could avoid breaking the rules was to realize "she must not be a club member".