by ManhattanPrepLSAT1 Sun Sep 04, 2016 11:52 am
On this Sufficient Assumption question the right answer will bridge a gap in a chain of conditional reasoning. For some, that means looking for the unconnected terms. For others that means using notation to find the gap in the chain of reasoning.
BCC --> SC
SLC --> MV
MV --> MTR
(Notation Key: BCC = build convention center, SC = several conventions, SLC = several large conventions, MV = more visitors, MTR = more tax revenues)
In this argument the gap is between having several conventions with professional organizations and several large conventions. Answer choice (E) bridges that gap.
Incorrect Answers
(A) negates the logic of the last premise.
(B) is out of scope. We are not concerned with money that the visitors spend. The last premise ensures that more visitors will means more tax revenues, but more money being spent by visitors is out of scope.
(C) reverses the logic of the argument's conclusion.
(D) is out of scope.